ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
Vol.2, No.9, Agustus 2023
ISSN : 2810-0581 (online)
The Analysis of Language Used in “Pluto Projector” Rex Orange
County Song
Ribka Caroline Angelica
Universitas Udayana
E-mail: ribkacaro[email protected]om
Article History:
Received: 02 Juli 2023
Revised: 22 Juli 2023
Accepted: 23 Juli 2023
Abstract: This study focused on analyzing language
used in “Pluto Projector” Rex Orange County song.
The theory used in this study is proposed by
Wardhaugh which there are eight types of language.
The data were collected by identify the type of language
and the function of the language based on the meaning
of each lyrics on the song. The “Pluto Projector” song
was wrote by Alex O‟Connor that inspired by
wonders if he truly enough for his partner. This song
was full of guitar instrumental that build-up to explain
the meanings of the lyrics. This song focused on how
to understand the meaning of being life. Therefore, it
can be concluded that “Pluto Projector” song used a
different types of languge that Alex O‟Connor used to
expressed himself because he is a main character in
this song who is confused about his life and his
relationship, especially when stating his opinion.
Keywords: Types of
Language, Meaning of The
Lyrics, Pluto Projector Song,
Function of Language
A language is a structured system of communication. The structure of a language is its
grammar and the free components are its vocabulary. Languages are the primary means of
communication of humans, and can be conveyed through speech (spoken language), sign, or
writing. Many languages, including the most widely-spoken ones, have writing systems that enable
sounds or signs to be recorded for later reactivation. Human language is unique among the known
systems of animal communication in that it is not dependent on a single mode of transmission (sight,
sound, etc.), is highly variable between cultures and across time, and affords a much wider range
of expression than other systems. Human languages have the properties of productivity and
displacement, and rely on social convention and learning.
However, language is a complex human phenomenon, as all attempts to define it have proved
inadequate. In brief, we can say, language is an „original noise‟ used in actual social situations by
human beings.
According to Wardhaugh (1984 cited in Ramelan) A language is a system of arbitrary vocal
sounds used for human communication. This definition of language by Wardhaugh mainly insists
on arbitrariness, vocal sounds, humans, and communication. Language is said to be the arbitrary
vocal symbol. This implies that language consists of speech sounds (e.g., sounds produced by using
speech organs) based on the social agreement or convention. A certain word has a meaning because
of the language users have given it. A word and its meaning are the results of social agreement or
convention. In this research, the analysis is focused on the language used on “Pluto projector” song.
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
Vol.2, No.9, Agustus 2023
ISSN : 2810-0581 (online)
Pluto Porjector is a alternative or indie song, based on the Rex Orange County‟s album called
Pony. The thirteenth song that Alex O‟Connor composed for one of his albums. The song was
,released on October 25, 2019.
This song is selected to study because the language that used in the lyrics has many meanings
that can be analyzed and searched for meaning. The song was wrote by Alex O‟Connor. He was a
song writer of the Rex Orange County. Alex O‟Connor composed this song to expressed his
opinion about being adult and his relationship. He thought that he was not understand about
himself. The theory of language used is important to be studies to understand the meaning of the
lyrics. Related to this phenomenon, there are two purpose of this study. The first purpose is to
identify types of language used by “Pluto Projector” song. The second is to define the important
function of the lyrics used by “Pluto Projector” song.
In Elijah Klein Journalist Review (November 16, 2020) entitled “Pluto Projector Review”,
he was analyzing the language use in the “Pluto Projector” song. The study focused on the
background of the music instrument and the function of the story of the song. His study is related to
this research because it analyzes about the function and the meaning of the lyrics . However, in his
study he did not analyze about types of the language in the “Pluto Projector” song. His study is
only focused the function of the meaning on the lyrics. This study is included the focused of the
types of langauge that used in “Pluto Projector” song.
The next paper that reviewed is titled “Pluto Projector” (Thimai, March 8, 2022). The study
focused on the meaning of the whole lyrics on the song. In the study, she found that Alex O‟Connor
wrote the lyrics about his emotions as a growing artist in the big music industry. He seems confused
and worried about his life path. Most of the important in this study is Alex O‟Connor about to
figured out the truth about himself for his relationship so he wrote this song to expressed his
feelings in his opinion.
Moreover, a paper titled “Rex Orange County‟s Pluto Projector is the Ballad We All
Needed” by Daryl Perry (October 20, 2020). This study describes the whole languge used and also
the function of the lyrics on this song. He mentions the functions of the lyrics detail and the
meanings of it, as well as to express Alex O‟Connor feelings. This paper is relevant for this study,
since it can help the researcher understand the applied theories of types of language used and the
function of language on the “Pluto Projector” song that can be analysis.
Alexander O‟Connor, the owner of Rex Orange County, made this song using the language
that can make the listeners become interested and analyze the meaning of each sentence. The
language will be analyzed by identify the type and the function of the language based on the
meaning of each lyric. The steps are listening to the song, observing the lyrics, finding the meaning
of every lyric and analyzing the types and the function of Language used in the Rex Orange County
“Pluto Projector” song. The theory that used are from Wardhaugh (1984), and Mary Finocchiaro
The analysis approach is used to explain the meaning of important lyric that found in the
“Pluto Projector” song and describe it in order to tell the function of the meaning . The data were
analyzed using Wardhaugh theory of types of language (1984) and the using theory of language
function by Mary Finocchiaro (1983). There are four steps in collecting the data, such as listening
to the “Pluto Projector” song, after that it will observing the lyrics of the song, also finding the
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
Vol.2, No.9, Agustus 2023
ISSN : 2810-0581 (online)
meaning of every lyric and analyzed the meaning of the lyrics language function. After all of the
steps in collecting data it will develop a conclusion.
1. Result
a. Type of Language
The researcher uses Wardhaugh (1984) because the theory is able to discover the
types of language in relation with the way Alex O‟Connor speak in his song specifically.
Wardhaugh theory provides specific definition of the types of language. There are eight
types of langauge features as the every lyrics on the “Pluto Projector”, as follows:
1) Standard/Polite/Formal refer to language that sticks to the rule and is essentially
presented as the, proper form of English. In practice, this is not necessarily practical
English, but rather the sort of English we‟d expect to see in formal writing or polite
2) Colloquoal/Informal is effectively anything that is not formal, often described as,
“spoken‟ language. It is informal as the aim is to communicate rather than stick
rigidly to rules, so it is where we see contractions and idiomatic language being used.
There are countless varieties of this, and it is a blanket term that really covers all of
the other terms below.
3) Regional Dialect are varieties of language that emerge based on regionaly specific use. There
are many examples within the UK alone, from the broad differences between the English spoken
in the North and South to the more specific, localised dialects, such as those spoken in certain cities,
some of which have their own names.
4) Social Dialect emerge like dialects, but within a specific class or culture, instead of
a region (though they can be further developed to fit certain regions). This may also
be referred to as a minority dialect, highlighting the variation is not the predominant
5) Lingua Franca english is used as a lingua franca all over the world, more
commonly in fact than it is used by native speakers, and in some cases may even be
taught in a specific form to fit these needs, rather than as standard English.
6) Pidgin it often some from merging two or more languages together rather than as
something true to one common language. Pidgins can therefore develop their own
vocabulary and rules that can be very independent of the original source languages.
7) Creole aspects that make a creole different to pidgin or dialects is that it has it wil have unique
rules with a ful range of functions, and maybe taught as a mother tongue.
8) Vernacular is the term used to describe language as it is used naturally by a specific
people. What it describes can therefore vary depending on what we wish to specify:
we could speak about the vernacular of a country or a smaller community within a
city, or of a certain time and place.
b. Function of Language
There are five language functions proposed by Mary Finocchiaro (1983), these
functions are:
1) Personal. The personal function enables the user of a language to express his
innermost thoughts; his emotions such as love, hatred, and sorrow; hisneeds, desires,
or attitudes; and to clarify or classify ideas in his mind.
2) Interpersonal. The interpersonal function enables him to establish and maintain
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
Vol.2, No.9, Agustus 2023
ISSN : 2810-0581 (online)
good social relations with individuals and groups; to express praise, sympathy, or
joy at another‟s success; to inquire about health; to apologize; to invite.
3) Directive. The directive function enables him to control the behaviour of others
through advice, warnings, requests, persuasion, suggestions, orders, or discussion.
4) Referential. The referential function enables him to talk about objects or events in
the immediate setting or environment or in the culture; to discuss the present, the
past, and the future.
5) Imaginative. The imaginative function enables him to use language creatively in
rhyming, composing poetry, writing, or speaking.
2. Discussion
The analysis shows the language functions used by “Pluto Projector” song. It can be seen
that there are 5 language function features used by Alex O‟Connor in his song.
According to the language function above, the five features found are Personal,
Interpersonal, Directive, Referential, and Imaginative. The meaning of the lyrics will be
describe for this language function on the Pluto Projector” song. The further analysis will be
presented in detail for each feature.
a. Personal
Personal function is the most dominant feature that used by Alex O‟Connor who
is main character of Pluto Projector” song. This show his emotions about being himself
and confused of his life path.
The great protector
Is that what I'm supposed to be?
What if all this counts for nothin'
Everything I thought I'd be?
What if by the time I realize
It's too far behind to see?
I feel at home when I'm around you
And I'll gladly say again
I hope the encore lasts forever
I don't think so
I don't think I'm meant to understand myself
In this lyrics, Alex O‟Connor as the song writer to use personal function rather
that other features. He used this function because he want to expressed his emotion with
his opinion. The (1) lyrics he wrote was the confussing feeling being adult and artist in
the music industry. For the (2) lyrics he showed that he really grateful to be with his
relationship. And the (3) he want to showed that he was not at a stable self and he still
feels not sure understand enough of himself.
b. Interpersonal
In the song, Alex used the Interpersonal function to show his sympathy with his
And it's you that knows my darkness And you
know my bedroom needs
This right here still feels like the honeymoon When
you say my name, nothing's changed
In this lyrics, Alex O‟Connor as the song writer to use inpersonal function rather
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
Vol.2, No.9, Agustus 2023
ISSN : 2810-0581 (online)
that other features. He used this function because he want to expressed his sympathy for
his relationship. The (1) lyrics is talk about his begging to his girlfriend for stay because
she the only one that Alex O‟Connor want to. And for the (2) is about his feeling
everytime they spend their time together even when his girlfriend called his name it is
still the same way as usual.
c. Directive
There are some lyrics that Alex OConnor wrote with the
directive function.
I'll do the same as you, I'll try and hold it up
And maybe in time, maybe one day
Stay forever
The lyrics above are directive function because Alex O‟Connor showed his request,
order and suggestion. In some example , The lyrics (1) he was showed his suggestion for
himself to understand about his life. The next lyrics (2) Alex O‟Connor showed his request
to himself to ready for the future. And the (3) he asked for order for his girlfriend to stay
by his side forever because he really
love her
and adore
Therefore, Alex O‟Connor
feature, so that he
can get his answered from himself or from his girlfriend.
Furthermore, the sentence number 1,2,3 are actually his deepest story to told, in all
of the lyrics above showed the hard situation that he been thru for a long time for him. It
gives a story to be told that he was not ok and he really needed someone to talk to.
d. Referential
Alex O‟Connor used the referential function to talk about his present, past or future
feelings or situations.
Is that what I'm supposed to be?
Spendin' the years together
Growing older every day
Soon I hope, or as soon as I'm old enough
The lyrics above used the referential function because Alex O‟Connor talked about
his feelings and also his situation. The (1) he wondered that his past situation going well
or not for his future situation. For the (2) lyrics he talked about his situation that on going
well with his girlfriend and he wanted to be much better for his relationship.
Furthermore, the lyrics (3) is about what he want to be in the future, in the lyrics he
want to understand himself about handle his worry that relate to his life. Moreover, all of
the lyrics above tell us that Alex O‟Connor try to be better and focus on his future. It gives
a hint to people that he will be okey and he want to try his best for this because of his
feeling and the situations.
e. Imaginative
1) The great protector
2) Seventy mil' projector
This right here still feels like the honeymoon
4) You could blast me and my secrets
In the last function, Alex O‟Connor used the imaginative function to show his
creatively about writing the “Pluto Projector” song. The (1) lyrics he talked about his
expetations in his life. He want to show that his past is worth it even when he still confuse
about it. For the (2) Alex O‟Connor used the imagination about a wide lens camera that
can capture a lager and wider pictures. In this lyrics, he want to tell that all he want is
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin
Vol.2, No.9, Agustus 2023
ISSN : 2810-0581 (online)
just a simple romantic relationship because Alex O‟Connor much more to offer his
relationship than anyone would ever do. Also the (3) he show his imagination about his
feeling that still same day by day for his girlfriend. He still love her and it‟s get much
bigger and deeper. The last lyrics (4) tell us about the things that he want his girlfriend
to be always with him and stay with him forever with all of their story in the
Based on the analysis and discussion above, the function of the langauge can be used by
“Pluto Projector” song. There are five function that can be used such as Personal, Interpersonal,
Directive, Referential and Imaginative. This song use the function of the language to expressed
every emotional details that showed in the lyrics. Alex O‟Connor wrote this song to told his
understanding himself is an ongoing journey. He believes that life goes on and he will be as better
person. The things that on this song he wrote about how to support each other should be in a
relationship. Love and support each other to grow and be the best version of themselves is the key
to a happy life.
Daryl Perry ( October 20, 2019 ). Rex Orange County “Pluto Projector” is the Ballad We all
Needed. Affinity Magazine.
Elijah Klein (November 16, 2020) Pluto Projector Review. Journalist Review.
Finocchiaro, Mary, (1983). The Functional-Notional Approach From Theory to Practice. Oxford
University Press.
Thimai (March 8, 2022). Pluto Projector. Arts, Ink. Arts at michigan.
Wardhaugh, Ronald, (1984). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford:Basil Blackwell Ltd.