URE19 Program Description
Project RAISE Undergraduate Research Experience
Before you get started, please know that this application should be submitted in one sitting.
Note: the application may not be compatible with mobile devices.
We recommend you prepare the following materials prior to starting your application:
1. Review the application PDF to ensure you have collected all application materials
2. Prepare your responses to the three short answer questions (questions provided
3. Prepare a personal statement (prompt provided below)
4. Update your resume
5. Prepare PDF files of your unofficial transcripts from all the colleges/universities that
you have attended
6. Merge your resume and transcripts into one PDF file saved as follows:
Short Answer Questions
Prepare short answer responses (no longer than 150 words or 1,000 characters each) for
the following prompts:
1. Please discuss any volunteer activities, class projects, or other research experiences
that have prepared you for the Undergraduate Research Experience. Feel free to list
any honors, awards, prizes, or recognition that you have received from your college.
2. Briefly, discuss how you have spent time outside of classes and completing
homework during the past two years. Describe your involvement in extracurricular
activities, family responsibilities, work, and/or community service.
3. What are your expectations for the Undergraduate Research Experience? What do
you expect from your mentor, your lab mates, and the larger research community?
How do you expect to contribute?
Personal Statement Prompt
Prepare a personal statement no longer than 500 words or 3,000 characters.
Describe why you want to participate in the Undergraduate Research Experience. Please
make sure to address the following points:
1. Your short-term and long-term goals.
2. How will this research opportunity help you achieve your goals?
3. How has your background led you to pursue these goals?
4. What do you hope to accomplish through your participation in the program?
First Name
Preferred First Name, if different than above
Last Name
Preferred Email Address
School ID Number (from your community college)
URE Program Description
The Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) provides students in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) from Citrus College, Cypress College, Fullerton
College, Golden West College, Mt. San Antonio College, Orange Coast College, Santa
Ana College, and Santiago Canyon College an opportunity to conduct research at
California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) in an 8-week summer program.
Hispanic/Latinx students are strongly encouraged to apply!
Selected students will gain first-hand experience in scientific investigation in a dynamic,
collaborative research environment. Students will be matched with CSUF faculty who will
provide training and support. In addition to research, participants will write a final report
and present their findings. Participants will receive a $5,000 stipend for their research and
work throughout the summer.
The program will run from June 17 to August 9, 2019.
Students commit to 40+ hours/week for 8-weeks (no partial or segmented
Students will produce a poster based on their research
Students must present their poster at the College of Natural Sciences &
Mathematics' Summer Research Symposium, as well as within their community
Students must complete the program, produce a poster, and present their work in
order to receive their $5,000 stipend
This opportunity requires a full-time commitment, which may require work on the
weekends. Do not apply if you are planning to work, take summer classes, travel, or be out
of town during the duration of the program.
Project RAISE will have URE opportunities in the summer through 2021. Students not
successful in 2019 are highly encouraged to try again next summer and continue engaging
in Project RAISE presentations/seminars on campus.
URE Eligibility
You are actively enrolled at a Project RAISE member college: Citrus College,
Cypress College, Fullerton College, Golden West College, Mt. San Antonio College,
Orange Coast College, Santa Ana College, or Santiago Canyon College, as your
primary college, with continued enrollment through spring 2019.
By June 17, 2019, you will have successfully completed two
science/technology/engineering courses
By June 17, 2019, you will have successfully completed Pre-Calculus or Calculus 1
You are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
You are willing to make a full-time commitment to the 8-week program from June 17
to August 9, 2019.
You plan to transfer to a bachelor’s degree-granting institution for the first time.
Available and committed to sharing your research poster at your community college
in the 2019-20 academic year.
URE Application Components
Only complete applications will be reviewed. No paper applications will be accepted.
Complete applications include:
Completed online application
One page resume
Unofficial transcripts from ALL colleges and universities you've attended
Three short answer responses
One personal statement
One online recommendation
URE Application Timeline
Thursday, February 28, 2019 - URE19 Application closes for students attending
Cypress, Fullerton, Golden West, and Orange Coast College
Thursday, March 7, 2019 - URE19 application closes for students attending Mt. San
Antonio College, Santa Ana College, and Santiago Canyon College
Sunday, March 10, 2019 - Recommendation deadline
Completed applications are reviewed by community college faculty and staff
Community college faculty and staff will provide the names of 8 students to CSUF
Project RAISE for URE interviews
CSUF Project RAISE will select up to 6 students from each community college for
interviews at CSUF
CSUF Project RAISE will select 4 students from each of the 8 community colleges to
participate in URE (32 URE students total)
CSUF Project RAISE will place URE students into labs with CSUF faculty and staff
Friday, April 26, 2019 - Selected students will be notified of their lab placements
The following questions will determine your eligibility for URE19. If you are found not
eligible, you will receive a message with contact information, then taken to the end of the
survey. We encourage you to contact us with questions regarding your eligibility.
Citizenship Status
The Undergraduate Research Experience is funded through the U.S. Department of Education and open to U.S. citizens,
nationals, or permanent residents.
I am a student at (if attending multiple institutions, please identify your primary school):
Are you planning to transfer to a four-year university in order to pursue your first bachelor's degree?
Will you have met, or exceed, the math requirement of completing Pre-Calculus, its equivalency, or Calculus 1
with a passing grade of C or better by the end of the spring 2019 semester?
U.S. Citizen
U.S. National
U.S. Permanent Resident
International Student (J1/F1)
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
AB 540
Citrus College
Cypress College
Fullerton College
Golden West College
Mt. San Antonio College
Orange Coast College
Santa Ana College
Santiago Canyon College
Yes - I have already met or exceeded this requirement
Citrus College students interested in summer research experiences should contact Dr. Marianne Smith at
[email protected] to learn more about the Citrus application process.
Will you have met, or exceed, the requirement of completing 2 science/technology/engineering courses with a
passing grade of C or better by the end of the spring 2019 semester?
Yes - I am taking a class that fulfills this requirement in the fall 2018 term
Yes - I am/plan on taking a class that fulfills this requirement in the spring 2019 term
No - I will not be able to meet this requirement before the start of URE19
Yes - I have already met or exceeded this requirement
Yes - I am fulfilling this requirement in the fall 2018 semester
Yes - I plan to fulfill this requirement in the spring 2019 semester
No - I will not be able to meet this requirement before the start of URE19
Demographic Information
Demographic Information
Permanent Home Address
Current Home Address (if different than above)
Preferred Phone Number (Do not include dashes)
Street Address
Zip Code
Street Address
Zip Code
Preferred Phone Number provided is:
Date of Birth
Personal cell
Shared cell
Shared home
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Race(s) (please select all that apply)
School Email Address
Are you in the first generation of your family to go to college?
Are you currently working?
Where do you work?
How many hours per week do you work?
Are you willing and able to leave your job for the duration of the Undergraduate Research Experience?
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Do you qualify for financial aid? (Check all that apply)
Do you require any reasonable accommodations to successfully complete the Undergraduate Research
If yes, please list the reasonable accommodations you require:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, other than a minor traffic violation, including Nolo Contendere Plea (a
plea of no contest)? This does not automatically disqualify you from participating in URE.
If yes, please explain.
I am receiving the Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver
I am receiving Cal Grants
I am receiving the Federal Pell Grant
I do not know if I qualify for financial aid
I did not apply for financial aid
I do not qualify for need-based financial aid
Academic Profile
Academic Profile
How many college units will you have completed as of December 31, 2018?
How many college units do you plan to complete in the spring 2019 semester?
Overall GPA
When do you plan to transfer to a four-year university?
Fall 2019
Spring 2020
Fall 2020
List your top colleges and universities you are considering for transfer. Please limit your list to 10 institutions.
What is your intended major? Note: the Undergraduate Research Experience is only available for STEM majors.
Post-Graduation Plans
Other (include term and year):
Pursue Master's degree in STEM
Pursue PhD in STEM
Pursue MD degree
Pursue MD/PhD
Professional school (dental, engineering, technical career, etc.)
Pursue an advanced degree outside of STEM
Seek employment
Research Interests
Research Interests
Prior research experience is not required.
Please share your interest in conducting research within the following fields of study over the summer. Please
note that every field should be marked with a response.
Please verify that your answers have been recorded correctly before continuing to the next question.
One recommendation is required to complete your URE application. It must come from either a science,
Extremely interested Somewhat interested Not at all interested
Biological Science
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Earth Science
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
technology, engineering, or mathematics professor, or a college counselor.
The recommendation will address:
How the recommender knows you
Their assessment of your interest in STEM
Their assessment of your ability to problem solve and/or conduct research
Their assessment of your ability to work as part of a team
Their understanding of your educational and professional goals
Specific examples of any of the points above are helpful, but not necessary.
Please inform your recommenders that they will need to complete the recommendation form online at
www.fullerton.edu/projectraise by March 10, 2018.
Submit your recommenders' information below:
Recommender Details
First Name
Last Name
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Short Answer, Personal Statement, and Attachments
Short Answer Questions
Please answer each of the following questions in 150 words or less.
Please discuss any volunteer activities, class projects, or other research experiences that
have prepared you for the Undergraduate Research Experience. Feel free to list any
honors, awards, prizes, or recognition that you have received from your college.
Briefly discuss how you manage your time outside of classes and completing homework.
Describe any involvement in extracurricular activities, family responsibilities, work, and/or
community service you have done over the past two years.
What are your expectations for the Undergraduate Research Experience? What do you
expect from your mentor, your lab mates, and the larger research community? How do you
expect to contribute?
Personal Statement
Your personal statement should address the question below in 500 words maximum.
Describe why you want to participate in the Undergraduate Research Experience.
Please make sure to address the following points:
1. Your short-term and long-term goals.
2. How will this research opportunity help you achieve your goals?
3. How has your background led you to pursue these goals?
4. What do you hope to accomplish through your participation in the program?
Resume and Transcripts
Please submit a copy of your most updated resume and transcripts from all the colleges/universities that you've
attended. Unofficial transcripts are okay!
Your Resume should be no longer than one page.
Your transcripts must be submitted in PDF format. If your school does not allow you to download a pdf of your
unofficial transcripts, consider one of the following options:
Converting Transcripts to PDF:
Option 1: Save the document as a PDF using your computer's print system.
- Windows 10: Click File --> Print, under printer or destination select "Print as PDF" click print, and save with a
new title
- MacOS: Click File --> Print, look for the PDF button on the lower left corner, click on that pull-down menu and
select, "Save as PDF" and save with a new title.
Option 2: Print out your transcripts and scan them using a printer that allows you to save your scans as PDF.
Option 3: Take screenshots of your unofficial transcripts, add and order the screenshots into a Microsoft Word
document, save the document as a PDF.
Please make sure that your transcripts are legible. If we cannot see the course or grades received, we will not
consider the transcript as received.
Submission Instructions
Merge your transcripts and resume into one PDF file. Your resume should be the first page, followed by your
transcripts from all the colleges/universities that you have attended.
File type: PDF
Filename: CommunityCollegeName_LastName_FirstName
: CSUF_Titan_Tuffy
Application Summary
Application Summary
Please Review your application before clicking submit; feel free to click update any responses that may have
been entered incorrectly by returning to the appropriate section and updating your response. Once you have
reviewed your responses, please click submit below.
Applicant Information
First Name:
Preferred First Name, if different than above Preferred First Name, if different than
Last Name:
Preferred Email Address:
School ID Number (from your community college):
Citizenship Status:
I am a student at:
Are you planning to transfer to a four-year university in order to pursue your first bachelor's
Will you have met, or exceed, the math requirement of completing Pre-Calculus, its equivalency, or Calculus 1
with a passing grade of C or better by the end of the spring 2019
Will you have met, or exceed, the requirement of completing 2 science/technology/engineering courses with a
passing grade of C or better by the end of the spring 2019
Demographic Information
Permanent Home Address
Current Home Address (if different than above)
Preferred Phone Number (Do not include dashes):
Date of Birth:
Race(s) (please select all that apply):
School Email Address:
Are you in the first generation of your family to go to
Are you currently working?
Where do you work?
How many hours per week do you work?
Are you willing and able to leave your job for the duration of the Undergraduate Research
Do you qualify for financial aid? (Check all that apply)
Do you require any reasonable accommodations to successfully complete the Undergraduate Research
If yes, please list the reasonable accommodations you require:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, other than a minor traffic violation, including Nolo Contendere Plea (a
plea of no contest)? This does not automatically disqualify you from participating in
If yes, please explain.
Academic Profile
How many college units will you have completed as of December 31, 2018?
How many college units do you plan to complete in the spring 2019 semester?
Overall GPA
When do you plan to transfer to a four-year university?
List your top colleges and universities you are considering for transfer. Please limit your list to 10 institutions.
What is your intended major? Note: the Undergraduate Research Experience is only available for STEM majors.
Post-Graduation Plans:
Research Interests
We are unable to display the choices entered in the research interests section. Feel free to return to the
appropriate section if you would like to verify that you have answered the question correctly.
Short Answer Questions
Please discuss any volunteer activities, class projects, or other research experiences that
have prepared you for the Undergraduate Research Experience. Feel free to list any
honors, awards, prizes, or recognition that you have received from your college.
Briefly discuss how you manage your time outside of classes and completing homework.
Describe any involvement in extracurricular activities, family responsibilities, work, and/or
community service you have done over the past two years.
What are your expectations for the Undergraduate Research Experience? What do you
expect from your mentor, your lab mates, and the larger research community? How do you
expect to contribute?
Personal Statement
Describe why you want to participate in the Undergraduate Research Experience.
Please make sure to address the following points:
1. Your short-term and long-term goals.
2. How will this research opportunity help you achieve your goals?
3. How has your background led you to pursue these goals?
4. What do you hope to accomplish through your participation in the program?
Recommender Information
File Upload
File Name:
File Link:
Feel free to copy and paste the link above to verify that you submitted the appropriate document.
Once you confirm that all the information in the application is correct, please click next, read the following
statement, then submit your application.
Signature and Next Steps
By signing (electronically) below I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that all information submitted as a
part of this application is complete and correct. I understand that failure to disclose accurate information is
grounds for immediate termination from this program. By signing below, I understand that as a program student
in the Project RAISE Undergraduate Research Experience, my name, program status, and other educational
information will be shared with the Project RAISE team at the partner community college I attend and at CSU
Thank you for completing your URE19 application!
Please remember to have recommendation submitted by March 10, 2019. The link for the
recommendation can be found on the Project RAISE website: fullerton.edu/projectraise.
Please contact Project RAISE at [email protected] with any questions.
Your responses will be recorded once you click submit. After clicking submit you'll have an
opportunity to download a pdf of your application.
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