2021 Senior Parent Night
High School Counseling Department
Mrs. Emily Sharro
College and Career Counselor
Mr. David Houseman (A-G)
Mrs. Anjelica Lutzo (H-O)
Mrs. Julie Martin (P-Z)
Senior Exit Interview
Trade/Technical Schools and CCAC
College Applications and Deadlines
How to Apply
Test-Optional Policies
College Visits
Requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation
Locating scholarships
Signing up for college visits
Senior Exit Interview - April 4, 2022
A graduation requirement for all seniors
An in-person interview between the student and a panel of South
Fayette teachers
An opportunity for students to reflect on their high school experience
with a strong emphasis on career-readiness and preparation
An assessment of the students ability to apply, analyze, synthesize,
evaluate, and communicate information regarding their career pathway
with significant knowledge and understanding
Senior Exit Interview continued- April 4, 2022
A rubric for the Exit Interview will be provided to students
in advance of the interview date
Parents will also receive email communication regarding
the expectations and rubric
The final grade for the Exit Interview will be included on
the students final transcript
Students will receive 1 credit for the Exit Interview
How to Help in the Admission Process
1. Attend parent-friendly events!
a. Gather information to be the support your son/daughter will need.
2. Empower your child to take control of their applications.
a. Your son/daughter should complete applications, request transcripts,
3. Cheer them on! All acceptances are worth celebrating.
a. Don’t give your child the impression that a GPA, test score, or a
college admissions decision will measure their self worth.
Trade/Technical School Application Process
Rosedale Technical College, Penn Commercial Business/Technical
Institute, Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, etc.
First step would be to schedule a tour and speak directly with an
admissions rep about their enrollment process and any necessary
entrance exams.
You will not have to use the Common Application or Coalition
Application for these schools. Deadlines for enrollment will also be
different from traditional 4-year application deadlines.
Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC)
When to apply: August - March of senior year
How to apply: You will use the online application on their website
What do I do after I complete the application: You will receive an email
from the admissions department with a list of things to complete, as well
as instructions. If you need help, contact CCAC directly or visit the
Counseling office
How many schools should your child apply
No magic number
Fit over quantity
Set realistic
What deadline should my child follow?
Can improve likelihood of getting
May get deferred to regular decision
~Nov. 1 By May 1st
Binding agreement
Must complete ED form in Counseling
Can improve likelihood of getting admitted
Can only apply to 1 school ED
~Nov. 1
May 1st
Final deadline to submit application
Will get decision in the spring
~Jan. 1 By May 1st
First come, first served basis (apply early!)
Will receive a decision in 2-8 weeks
N/A By May 1st
By May 1st
How to Apply
The SRAR is a list of all of the classes taken in high school and the
corresponding grades.
Many schools now use the SRAR in place of the transcript. If a
student completes the SRAR, they SHOULD NOT request their
transcript to be sent in Naviance. (Pitt, PSU, VT, Temple)
Students need a copy of their transcript in order to complete the
SRAR. Students can email Mrs. Dana Bloom
(dmbloom@southfayette.org) or stop by the Counseling Office for a
copy of their transcript.
Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR)
Teacher Letters of Recommendation
What kind of letters are your schools looking for?
Academic, supplemental, counselor
Should ideally be a core course teacher from 11th or
12th grade
Ask your teachers in-person or via email BEFORE submitting
Naviance request
Have your resume ready for recommenders
Give recommenders at least two weeks
Counselor Letters of Recommendation
Some schools may require a counselor letter of
Naviance does not allow students to request counselor
letters of recommendation
Please use the form we have available on our website for
requesting a counselor letter
Test-Optional Policies
If student has an SAT/ACT score that they feel accurately
reflects their abilities, they should submit their score with
their application
Be aware of each school’s test-optional policy
“Committing” to test-optional
Requirements in lieu of a test score
When in doubt, call admissions
College Visits
Demonstrated interest can play a role in admissions decisions
It is never too late to visit (even if it is virtually)
Check websites or call admissions offices for visit information
and dates
Visits also help students make decisions later about which
school they want to attend
Rep Visits at South Fayette
These are the perfect way for students to connect with the
admissions reps for our region!
Students have the opportunity to speak directly to the person
who will likely be reviewing their application.
Students can attend even if theyve submitted their
Students can view the list of schools scheduled to visit, and sign
up to attend a visit, in Naviance.
Schools can choose to visit us in-person or virtually.
Students log into Naviance through ClassLink
Matching the Common App
Requesting Transcripts (this includes transcripts going to
CCAC/Trade and Technical Schools)
Requesting Teacher Letters of Recommendation
Signing up for College Visits
Searching Scholarships
Upcoming Events
Financial Aid Night - September 29, 2021
Free Application for Federal Student Aid opens - October 1, 2021
South Hills College and Career Fair (virtual) - October 19, 2021
College Planning Night (for grades 9-11) - October 27, 2021
If your son/daughter is considering playing a Division I or Division II
sport, they must register with NCAA. Instructional packets are
available in the Counseling Office.
All directions for Naviance related tasks are on the South Fayette
High School website under the Counseling tab.
If you have not already done so:
Follow us on Twitter: @counselingsf
Encourage your son/daughter to check their lions email
accounts daily!
Twitter: @counselingsf
Thank you!