Food Protection Manager Practice Exam with Answers
1 Which of the following occurs with the use of adequate lighting in a
food establishment?
a. It encourages pest to enter
b. It is more difficult to identify hazards
c. It makes cleaning and sanitizing easier
d. It makes cleaning and sanitizing more complicated
2 What is the proper minimum clearance between the floor and
floor-mounted equipment?
a. 4 inches
b. 6 inches
c. 8 inches
d. 12 inches
3 What minimum temperature is required for rapidly reheating previously
cooked foods?
a. 140 F
b. 155 F
c. 165 F
d. 180 F
4 When using hot water to manually sanitize objects, the objects must be
immersed in water for at least
a. 15 seconds in water that is at least 135 F
b. 15 seconds in water that is at least 150 F
c. 20 seconds in water that is at least 150 F
d. 30 seconds in water that is at least 171 F
5 A hose may be attached to a faucet in a food establishment only if the hose
a. has treated connector instead of clamps
b. has threaded connectors on both ends to simplify joining
c. is long enough to reach the bottom of a sink
d. is equipped with a backflow prevention device
6 An employee would not be allowed to work in a food prepartion area with
a. a headache
b. diarrhea
c. a sore throat but no fever
d. a leg cut with a tight-fitting bandage
7 Which of the following employees would be allowed to work in a
food service business?
a. waitress with an open cut
b. busboy wearing a bandaid on his thumb
c. food preparer with a cut, covered by a bandaid and a disposable glove
d. dishwasher with a boil on his neck
8 Which of the following is unacceptable for food workers' fingernails?
a. Nails neatly trimmed and filed
b. uncovered artificial fingernails
c. unpolished nails
d. gloves covering artificial fingernails
9 Meat cooked in a microwave oven must be
a. kept uncovered during cooking
b. allowed to stand uncovered for 1 minute after cooking
c. heated to a temperature of at least 155 F
d. rotated or stirred during cooking
10 The temperature danger zone is correctly described as the temperature range
a. between 40F and 150F
b. where harmful bacteria grow rapidly
c. in which harmful bacteria will be killed
d. in which food should be stored
11 A food manager sees a chef in a prep kitchen tasting mashed potatoes with
his finger. What should the manager do?
a. Tell the chef if this happens again the potatoes will be thrown away.
b. Do not stay or do anything because mashed potatoes are not a
time/temperature control for safety food.
c. Throw the potatoes out immediately.
d. Reheat the potatoes to 165 F before serving to customers.
12 What is the acceptable method of manual warewashing/dishwashing?
a. pre-wash, sanitize, rinse, wash and air dry
b. pre-wash, rinse, wash, air dry and sanitize
c. pre-wash, wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry
d. pre-wash, wash, sanitize, rinse and air dry
13 What is the proper way to store cleaned and sanitized glasses and cups?
a. Bottom down in a closed cabinet
b. Bottom up in a clean, dry location
c. Near the beverage machine
d. On a clean absorbent cloth
14 What should be the water temperature when thawing food under running water?
a. 165 F
b. 41 F
c. 70 F
d. 32 F
15 All of the following are time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food except
a. refried beans
b. baked potatoes
c. cooked rice
d. whole wheat bread
16 An integrated pest management system (IPM) balances
a. prevention and control
b. control and inspection
c. sanitation and inspection
d. elimination and sanitation
17 Which of the following may a food facility do with a food previously served
to a customer?
a. Use leftover bread and rolls to make poultry dressing
b. Serve unopened, individually wrapped crackers and jelly again
c. Serve leftover garden salads
d. Pour unused cream from pitchers back into refrigerated containers
18 When teaching proper handwashing procedures to employees, the manager
should emphasize the need
a. for clean, short nails
b. for hand lotion by each sink
c. to rinse in a sanitizing solution
d. to wear gloves whenever possible
19 Where should chemicals be stored?
a. Under the hand washing sink
b. On a shelf near the dishwasher
c. In an area separate from the kitchen
d. In the area with linens and utensils
20 New employees in the food service industry should be trained to wash their
hands by rubbing them together vigorously for at least
a. 5-10 seconds
b. 11-14 seconds
c. 15-20 seconds (best possible answer)
d. 21-25 seconds
(note: 10-15 seconds is the correct answer)
For how many days must shellstock tags be kept on file?
a. 30
b. 60
c. 90
d. 120
22 Anisakiasis is a parasitic illness associated with
a. chicken
b. fish
c. pork
d. vegetables
23 The food manager should verify that when the delivery driver enters
food preparation areas that the driver
a. complies with the Food Code
b. has good morals
c. places canned foods right side up
d. tastes the food at the establishment
24 A food service worker wh has a minor cut n the hand
a. should wash the cut before returning to work
b. should not work in food preparation
c. can work with no restrictions
d. can work if a bandage and glove are worn
25 Which of the following food protection practices would be most effective in
preventing salmonellosis?
a. Cooking food to 165 F for 15 seconds before serving
b. Having a good pest control program
c. Having all employees wear hair restraints
d. Buying meat and poultry from an approved source
26 Which of the following is the best way to prevent contamination
when tableware is pre-set?
a. Spray the tableware with sanitizer
b. Wrap, cover, or invert the tableware
c. Place the tableware atop the plate-ware
d. Wipe down the table prior to tableware placement
27 Carpeting may be used in which of the following areas?
a. restrooms
b. dining areas
c. dishwashing areas
d. food preparation areas
28 Protecting foods from pests includes
a. inspecting food deliveries
b. using a backflow preventer
c. storing chemicals away fom food
d. washing hands after using the restroom
29 In which of the following areas of a food establishment are shielded, coated,
or shatter-resistant bulbs required to be used in light fixtures?
a. bathroom
b. break room
c. lobby
d. prep area
30 Ice used for cooling or holding food containers must
a. be changed every 3 hours
b. be made from water that contains at least 0.5 parts per million(ppm)
free available chlorine
c. be shaved or flaked
d. not be used for human consumption
31 Which of the following foods can be stored safetly at room temperatures?
a. raw whole carrots
b. sliced watermelon
c. cooked rice
d. baked potatoes
32 After removing a glass from a sanitizing solution, a food service employee should
a. rinse it with water and towel dry
b. towel it dry
c. allow it to air-dry
d. wipe off any water spots
33 Fish to be eaten raw or partially cooked must be frozen to destroy
a. fungi
b. viruses
c. parasites
d. bacteria
34 All of the following are safe food storage practices for refrigerated
foods except the storage of
a. a closed box of lettuce on a shelf below a pan of baked beans
b. shredded cabbage below a case of whole, shell eggs
c. cooked rice on the corner of a shelf
d. parmesan cheese near a cooked pork roast
35 What is the primary concern of the Center of Disease Control (CDC)
in regards to food safety?
a. Prevent and monitor foodborne disease outbreak
b. Inspect feeds and medicines consumed by animals
c. ensures proper licensure and training for pest control operators
d. Inspect water quality standards and the regulation of pesticide use
36 What is the temperature danger zone where bacteria multiply rapidly in
time/temperature control for food safety?
a. 32 F to 150 F
b. 35 F to 140 F
c. 41 F to 150 F
d. 41 F to 135 F
37 Which of the following would be the most likely source of the Norovirus?
a. Fresh vegetables from a salad bar
b. Cooked, cooled vegetables from the refrigerator
c. Cooked vegetable casserole
d. Reheated vegetable soup
38 Which of the following must be posted in a food establishment?
a. a sign reminding food employees to clock in
b. a sign reminding food employees to wash their hands
c. a menu with prices listed
d. a vegetarian menu
39 Which of the following is the most common pest found in food establishments?
a. termites
b. flies
c. mosquitos
d. moths
40 Which of the following is the correct procedure?
a. a cook washes his or her hands over the preparation sink with soap and
running water and dries them with a paper hand towel
b. a cook washes his or her hands over the hand wash sink with soap and
running water and dries them with a paper hand towel
c. a bartender washes her or her hands over a hand wash sink with soap and
running water and dries them with a bar cloth.
d. a chef uses hand sanitizer instead of washing with soap and water
The First-In-First Out (FIFO) process is used in
a. product rotation
b. hot holding
c. slacking
d. reheating
42 Proper handling of tableware includes all of the following except
a. holding plates by the bottom edge
b. carrying glasses on a tray or in a rack
c. strong flatware so it can be picked up by the handle
d. holding cups by the rim
43 What is the purpose of time/temperature control for safety (TCS)?
a. limit pathogenic microorganism growth
b. ensure maximum nutrition
c. limit cooking time
d. control the food's temperature
44 Which of the following is an improper way to thaw food?
a. under cold running water
b. straight from freezer to grill
c. on a clean surface at room temperature
d. in a microwave oven followed by immediate cooking
45 Food service facilities may serve raw beef to customers, provided that
a. the beef has been frozen at a temperature below -35 F
b. the customer has requested the beef to be served raw
c. a consumer advisory is clearly displayed
d. the facility serves only free-range, grass-fed beef
46 Bacteria that causes foodborne illness grow best in
a. protein foods
b. acidic foods
c. high sugar foods
d. water
47 Trichinosis is a disease caused by
a. virus
b. bacterium
c. parasite
d. fungus
48 A visual check of the food-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils
should be made in order to
a. ensure customer peace of mind
b. verify cleanliness and proper use
c. ensure compliance with local regulations
d. avoid health inspectors
49 Which food is associated with scombroid poisoning?
a. mushrooms
b. tuna fish
c. potatoes
d. chicken
50 Vibrio species is a foodborne illness related to the eating of
a. undercooked ground beef
b. raw vegetables
c. uncooked poultry products
d. raw shellfish
51 A food manager has learned that two customers became ill after eating
chicken sold the previous night. What should the manager do?
a. immediately throw out all leftover chicken
b. apologize and send the customer a coupon
c. notify and cooperate with the local health department
d. taste and smell the leftover chicken
52 Where should a wet wiping cloth to be stored between uses?
a. hot, soapy water
b. sanitizing solution
c. utility sink
d. covered container
53 Which of the following is a foodborne disease outbreak risk factor?
a. improper cooking temperatures
b. food being cooled too rapidly
c. keeping food hot for too long
d. impaired immune systems
54 The most important activity for an effective pest control program is to
a. eliminate sources of food, water, and shelter for pests
b. use baited traps
c. spray pesticide routinely
d. conduct annual pest control educational programs for the staff
55 At 9:00 a.m., a food worker prepares 5 gallons of tuna salad with cold tuna,
dried onion and celery flakes, and cold mayonnaise. Next, chilled hard boiled egg
are chopped and added. The salad is placed in a shallow plastic container, covered,
and stored in the refrigerator at 40F. Which of the following is a true statement
about the salad's preparation?
a. the eggs should not be added until just before the salad is served
b. the procedures followed by the employee are acceptable
c. the salad should be stored in stainless steel rather than plastic
d. the temperature of the refrigerator is too high
56 Grease and condensate may build up on the floors, walls, and ceilings of a
food establishment if
a. a large amount of bacon is cooked
b. a grill is operated at too high a temperature
c. the back door is left open
d. the ventilation system is inadequate
57 Which one of the following agencies is responsible for inspecting
meat and poultry products?
a. American Public Health Association (APHA)
b. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
c. Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration (OSHA)
d. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
58 How must raw chicken be stored in a refrigerator?
a. uncovered
b. below cooked foods
c. above raw beef
d. near a thermometer
59 When cooked in a microwave, food is covered in order to
a. ensure temperature stability
b. help maintain moisture
c. reach a temperature of 165 F
d. ensure even heat distribution
60 Insecticide sprays that kill cockroaches and flies should be used
a. only if they are approved for food areas
b. anywhere pests are seen
c. only if applied by a manager
d. on food-contact surfaces if washed off later
61 Which of the following foods have not been identified by the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a source of food allergies?
a. milk and eggs
b. pork and artificial sweeteners
c. peanuts and soybeans
d. fish and crustacean shellfish
62 Trichinosis normally occurs in undercooked
a. chicken
b. ground beef
c. wild game
d. vegetables
63 E. coli is a bacteria that grows inside
a. mammals
b. fruit
c. fish
d. cheese
64 If a food service employee shows symptoms of foodborne illness,
who is responsible for preventing the employee from working?
a. the employee
b. the health department
c. the customers (if they complain)
d. the person in charge
65 Food contamination is caused most often by
a. dented containers
b. dirty cutting boards
c. poor personal hygiene
d. poor refrigeration
Which of the following is the best practice for storing food packaging materials?
a. store materials in the cooler or refrigerator
b. keep materials in the original overwrap or carton
c. store materials unwrapped
d. wipe materials with clean sanitizing solution before use
67 What should be done with potato salad received at a temperature of 50 F?
a. place it in the freezer for rapid cooling
b. place in the refrigerator for rapid cooling
c. reject the shipment
d. use it as soon as possible
68 Cutting blocks and boards must be discarded or repaired if they are
a. too large for the dishwashing machine
b. made of wood
c. discolored
d. not easily cleanable
69 Potable water requires a minimum air gap between the supply
outlet and the waste drain that equals
a. 1 inch
b. 2 inches
c. 4 inches
d. 6 inches
70 What is the maximum temperature at which cold foods
can be held on the buffet line?
a. 0 F
b. 32 F
c. 41 F
d. 50 F
71 Which of the following is an acceptable method for storing food products?
a. storing cooked products above raw products in the refrigerator
b. immediately refrigerating 5 gallons of soup in the container in
which it was cooked
c. covering pasta products with a clean damp cloth
d. tightly wrapping a leftover 12-pound roast and
refrigerating it 2 1/2 hours after cooking
72 Which of the following is most likely to cause foodborne illness?
a. a vegetable cutting board that was cleaned, but not sanitized
b. cooks who did not wash their hands after going to the restroom
c. fried chicken held at 150 F for 4 hours
d. tuna salad held at 38 F for 4 hours
73 The use of single service gloves is required when
a. handling ready-to-eat foods
b. removing trash from the premises
c. operating the cash register
d. using utensils on the serving line
74 A food worker's hands must be washed
a. after handling raw foods and before handling ready-to-eat foods
b. when switching from slicing provolone to swiss cheese
c. and sanitized with an alcohol or chlorine-based sanitized
d. for a full 60 seconds
75 Which of the following records should the food manager document, sign and date?
a. customer visits
b. meals served
c. pest count
d. instrument calibration
76 Who is authorized to apply all restricted-use pesticides
including sprays, gases, and powders?
a. Person in Charge
b. Certified Food Protection Manager
c. Pest Control Operator
d. Health Inspector
77 Which of the following can harbor bacteria?
a. food equipment that can be dismantled
b. food equipment that is cracked
c. food equipment that is nontoxic
d. food equipment that is corrosion restraint
78 Sanitizers are chemicals designed to
a. clean food contact surfaces
b. kill most bacteria on food contact surfaces
c. be diluted in water of at least 170 F
d. be rinsed after every use
79 Which of the following is an unsafe food handling practice?
a. cooling hot food in the refrigerator
b. cooling food in shallow, stainless steel pans
c. separating cooling food from raw, frozen food
d. before cooling, dividing large amounts into smaller amounts
80 Which of the following factors is most important in the prevention of illness
from the Hepatitis A virus?
a. proper cooling of food
b. proper handwashing
c. proper pest control
d. thorough cleaning and sanitizing of equipment