ServSafe Exam Study Guide
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year:
Over 76 million people become sick due to foodborne illness
Over 325,000 people are hospitalized
Over 5,000 people die
Each incident cost the food service industry an average of $74,000
TCS - Time & Temperature Control for Safety
i. Food
ii. Acid (4.6 - 7.0)
iii. Time (double every 20 min)
iv. Temperature
v. Oxygen
vi. Moisture (Aw) 0.8 - 1.0
2. 5 most common risk factors
i. Improper hot/cold holding temperatures of TCS food.
ii. Improper cooking temperatures of food.
iii. Dirty and/or contaminated utensils and equipment.
iv. Poor employee health and hygiene.
v. Food from unsafe sources.
Cooking Temperature
1. 135F - fruits and veggies
2. 145F - Solid cuts of meat
3. 145F - Fish
4. 145F - Eggs for immediate consumption
5. 155F - Eggs for later consumption (buffet)
6. 155F - Ground beef or pork
7. 165F - Poultry (whole or ground)
8. 165F - Stuffed fish
Proper Personal Hygiene
1. Wear hair restraints (tuck in long hair)
2. FDA approved hand sanitizer (not a substitute)
3. HESSSN - 6 highly infectious illness
i. Hepatitis A (Hand Washing)
ii. E Coli (Beef)
iii. Salmonella Typhoid (Fever)
iv. Shigella (Fecal)
v. Salmonella NT (Non-typhoical)
vi. Norovirus (Cruise ship)
4. Exclusion: call health dept, 24 hours medical clearance.
5. Restriction: avoid preparing food, working on other tasks instead.
6. Symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice
Created by Tony Wei (ServSafe instructor #4021299) for training purposes.
Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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ServSafe Exam Study Guide
Contaminants to Food
1. SDS - require by OSHA, first-aid info
2. Chemical - Sanitizer, cleaning agents should locked up, separated
i. Only Certified Pesticide Operator (CPO) can apply pesticide on premises.
ii. Copper, Brass, Tin (CBT) should not mix with acidic food.
iii. Clay pot should be free of lead (sweetness)
3. Physical Threats - visuable, if you can see it
i. Bone, wood, plastic
4. Cross-Contamination - Meat to veggie (cutting board, towel)
Bacteria, Parasites, Viruses, Mold, Toxins
1. Bacteria - low temperature does not kill
i. E. Coli (Beef)
ii. Salmonella (Poultry)
iii. Clostridium Botulinum (Canned food)
iv. Listeria (37F in refrigerator)
v. Shigella (Human feces, not washing hands)
vi. Staphylococcus (Sneezing, coughing, nose, skin)
2. Viruses - spread by poor personal hygiene
i. Norovirus (Human intestinal tract)
ii. Hepatitis A (Poor hand washing)
3. Parasites - Freeze at -4F for 7 days or cook well
i. Trichinella (Pork and wild game)
ii. Anisakis (Fish, sushi)
iii. Giardia (contaminated water)
4. Mold - Aflatoxins
i. Corn, grains
ii. Peanuts
5. Toxins - Seafood
i. Scombroid (Mahi-Mahi and tuna from time/temp abuse)
ii. Ciguatera (Algae that contain ciguatoxin)
Purcasing, Receiving, Storing
1. Ice crystals - reject the shipment
2. FIFO - First in first out
3. Dairy - Grade A & Pasteurized
4. Poultry - dark wing tips, soft, sticky flesh
5. Fresh fish - Bright skin, red moist gills
6. Fresh shellfish - Keep Shell-stock IF tags for 90 Days
7. Refrigerated food receiving temperature - 41F
8. Frozen food receiving temperature - 0F
Created by Tony Wei (ServSafe instructor #4021299) for training purposes.
Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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ServSafe Exam Study Guide
9. Milk, egg, shellfish receiving temperature - 45F
10. Storage safe food order
i. Poultry at bottom, ground meat above poultry, pork above ground beef
ii. Store RTE (Ready-to-eat) foods away from or above raw foods
iii. Prevent food overload
iv. Use lid to cover all food
Temperature Control
1. Holding with No Temperature Control:
i. Cold food start at 40F, not higher than 70F, max for 6 hours
ii. Hot food start at 135F, not lower than 70F, max for 4 hours
2. Thermometer = Thermocouple / Thermistor
3. Thermometer Calibration: +/-2F for Food, +/-3F for Air temperature
i. Cold method (best) - 32F with 50% ice & 50% water
ii. Hot Method - 212F with boiling water
4. 2 Stage Cooling - FDA Food Code
i. 130F to 70F within 2 hours
ii. 70F to 41F within 4 extra hours
5. Cooling foods - 3S's and 3I's
i. Small, Shallow, Stir
ii. Ice bath, Ice wand, Ice directly
6. Thawing methods - CROW
i. Cook, Refrigerate, Oven, Water (running)
Equipment & Facility
1. Cross connection - mixing of potable and non-potable water supply
i. Backflow - When pressure in the potable water supply drops below
the non-potable water supply (siphon)
ii. Vacuum breaker - Prevent backsiphonage
ii. Airgap - Must be at least 1 inch or twice faucet diameter
2. Buffet Station
i. No re-use dirty plates
ii. UL or NSF (Approved by ANSI)
3. Floor Mounted
i. 6 inches from floor
4. Table-Top equipment
i. 4 inches from surface
Pest Control
1. Mice, rats, roaches
i. Mice & Rats have droppings like black pellets, oily brush marks
ii. Roaches lay brown egg cases, dropping like grains of black pepper
Created by Tony Wei (ServSafe instructor #4021299) for training purposes.
Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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ServSafe Exam Study Guide
Cleaning and Sanitizing
1. Cleaning - removal of food particles from surface in contact with food
i. Washing + Rinsing = Cleaning
2. Sanitizing - reduced number of pathogens on surfaces
3. Types of cleaners - 3DA
i. Detergent - general purpose, dirt and grime
ii. Delimers - mineral deposits
iii. Degreaser - fats, oils
iv. Abrasive - Baked on debris
4. 3 Types of sanitizers - ICQ
i. Iodine - 12.5ppm for 30 sec
ii. Chlorine - 50ppm (bleach) for 7 sec
iii. Quatermary ammonium (Quats) - 200ppm for 30 sec
5. 5 Steps to proper manual washing - SWRSA
i. Scrap / soak
ii. Wash
iii. Rinse
iv. Sanitize
v. Air dry
6. Machine dishwashers
i. High Temperature - 180F but not above 195F
ii. Low Temperature - 120F
7. Frequency - every 4 hours
Foodborne Illness and Allergies
1. High Risk Population Group
i. Young Children
ii. Elderly
iii. People with weak Immune system
2. Allergies - 8 major allergens (Avoid cross-contact)
i. Wheat
ii. Soy
iii. Egg
iv. Milk
v. Fish
vi. Shellfish
vii. Nut
viii. Treenut
3. HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
i. Prevention-base system develop by NASA
ii. 7 Steps - HA, CCP, CL, Monitor, CA, Verify, Record Keeping
iii. Procedures require HACCP - Packaged food, unpasterized juice,
undercook shellfish, live fish display, smoking BBQ,
food additive, curing food.
Created by Tony Wei (ServSafe instructor #4021299) for training purposes.
Any unauthorized use or reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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